For Individuals - NexID

Forged in the fires of Mount Doom, NexID is the medical ID solution to rule them all. Correctly utilizing QR code technology; we've created a secure method for storing and displaying health information to EMS when required.

Information can be edited any time by you, the user, and what you decide to make available is 100% up to you. Unlike a chip, you can take off the wristband at any time. Don't want to wear a wristband? You can easily remove the ID and store it in a phone case, wallet, or even thread your shoe through it; the possibilities are limitless for this compact ID.

We believe in simplicity

  • Our NexID products have only two components; the wristband and the ID.
  • There are no electronics embedded in our product; this means you can smash it with a hammer and it will still work 
  • It is waterproof
  • Don't feel comfortable making your information available and visible? Consider flipping the ID so the backside is exposed; you can also: remove the wristband at any time, edit the information visible in the NexHUB app, or send us an email (click here for the contact page) and we'll delete your data at the source.
  • QR code technology is unique, because it is simple and easy to access; all you need is a semi-modern smartphone or tablet that is equipped with a working camera.